Instrumentation and Equipment
The SIGNA™ Pioneer delivers industry leading technical specifications for a premium MR system:
- A high-homogeneity 3.0T magnet
- A patient-centered design:
Our machine
- the 70 cm wide bore and the examination table is lower to the ground, making it easier for examiners to get on and off.
- free-breathing body imaging includes dynamic contrast enhanced MR imaging.
- Total Digital Imaging (TDI) has greater clarity and increased SNR by up to 25%.
Based on:
- Direct Digital Interface (DDI) which employs an independent analog-to-digital converter to digitize inputs from each of 97 RF channels.
- Digital Surround Technology (DST) integrated RF body coil and eMode technology replaces analog blocking circuits with intelligent ultra-fast switches which further expand zero TE imaging capabilities.
- Clinical versatility, comfortable, and different targeted coils: in that, adaptive AIR™ Coil is like being wrapped in a blanket, form-fitting, and total positioning freedom with 360-degree coverage.
Through the convergence of 3T magnet, gradients, RF system, RF channels, received coils and AI software--- SIGNA™ Pioneer delivers revolutionary in clinical applications.
Clinical experience
Case 1:
A lady, who is aware of her family history of dementia, paid a visit for a full body MRI examination. It was discovered she had a stroke with ischemic stroke at the watershed of the brain incidentally. Fortunately, there is no gliosis or brain tissue loss. Without this examination, she would not have known her condition and would not be aware that she is indeed in a risky group that is susceptible to stroke. Soon after that, she understands the importance of following doctors' orders and adheres to a healthy lifestyle.
Case 2:
A man came to do a check-up on his overweight. Liver fibrosis is suspected by Fibroscan. Beyond in-phase and out-of phase that proved fatty degeneration of his liver, MR quantification of fat, MR-PDFF estimated the proportion of protons contained within fat molecules in a 3D liver voxel is 21% on average (normal is less than 6.6%). After correct management, the condition of fatty liver improved in just two months compared to the proportion of fatty contents quantitatively.
Case 3:
A woman found a nodule in her breast by ultrasound, followed up PAC-CT could not determine whether it was benign or malignant. Then MRI of breast confirmed it was a benign tumor (BI-RADS 2) through morphology (T1,T2); cell density (synthetic DWI,ADC); presence of the abnormal enhanced pattern and kinetic analysis of the enhancement, and biopsy was not necessary. She was relieved and no longer anxious about that.
General clinical application
- Noninvasive procedures ( no contrast agent ):
- 3D TOF sequence utilizing HyperSense that higher resolution and faster scan times reduced scan time. For intracranial and extracranial vessels examination, it is around 4 minutes.
- 10-minute knee exams:
Cube PD and (B) Cube PD FatSat can each be acquired in 5 min (total scan time of 10 min) with 0.5 mm isotropic images by utilizing HyperSense, ARC and HyperCube. - 3D Arterial Spin Labeling (3D ASL) delivers quantitative perfusion assessment of brain.
- Inhance Suite delivers a set of non-contrast angiography solutions.
- Noninvasive procedures ( instead of biopsy ):
- IDEAL IQ delivers whole liver 3D coverage in a single breath-hold. It provides a quantitative assessment of triglyceride fat content and iron load in the liver.
- MAGIC DWI delivers synthetic DWI with different b-values mathematically, especially in prostate evaluation.
- Smart contrast utilizing:
4 dynamic phase in one 21 sec breath hold that effectively captures the fast dynamics of abdominal pathology (like HCC liver cancer) with a high spatio-temporal resolution. - BREAST:
The advantage of contrast-enhanced MR imaging as a functional imaging modality optimized to capture biologically more aggressive tumors that may be mammographically occult in breast cancer screening. 3D Cube T2, non-fat suppressed 3D VIBRANT T1, and a dynamic 3D VIBRANT fat suppressed T1 series consisting of a pre, initial and delayed post-contrast with a fat suppressed T1 image, fulfill the American College of Radiology’s requirements for an accredited exam. A 16 channel High-Res Adaptive Breast coil can adapt to patient body habitus can provide the high quality, high diagnostic confidence and less scan time ( <30 minutes for bilateral breasts )
Our machine
The Revolution™ CT delivers industry leading technical specifications for a premium CT system:
-160 mm z-coverage Gemstone Clarity Detector.
-Intelligent motion correction for 29 ms effective temporal resolution.
-Integrated ASIR-V enables up to 82% dose reduction for all clinical applications.
-HyperDrive to enable up to 437.5 mm/s volume acquisition speed without compromise of 50cm scan field of view and image quality.
-80 cm bore size
Through the convergence of coverage, spatial resolution, and temporal resolution --- all in one. Revolution™ CT deliver revolutionary in clinical application.
Clinical experiences
Case 1:
A smoker in his early 40s had a lung cancer screening in our hospital. We found that there was no urgent problem in the lungs. However, the heart's coronary arteries had CAD-RADS 2 (25-49% nonobstructive coronary artery disease), while the abdominal blood vessels are obviously calcified and narrowing. There is the risk of ischemic bowel at any time. He followed the doctor's treatment advice and management carefully to ensure that his condition will not deteriorate and that he stays healthy.
A man came to do a check-up on his situation due to diabetes. In spite of pancreas atrophy, we discovered that he had squamous cell cancer in his lung that sized 1.5cm. Unfortunately, he also had some tiny metastases. Given the early detection of his cancer and spreading, we were confident that with the correct treatment and control it to worsen further.
General clinical applications
- Coronary CT angiography:
1-Beat, high-definition, motion-free coronary images at any heart rate is enabled by a prospectively ECG-gated whole heart cardiac axial acquisition protocol that utilizes 160 mm of high-definition coverage with 0.28s rotation speed and real-time control to complete the scan in a single beat to ensure robustly, low dose and high-definition cardiac imaging for all heart rates. - Low Dose CT (LDCT) Lung Screening:
Revolution CT uses ASiR-V™ low dose technology, which reduces dose up to 82% for all exams and all examiners routinely. That is utilized as the exam of choice for intricate CT exams to visualize and analyze complex lung pathology. especially in pulmonary nodules detection of and assessment. - Body and Oncology
Low dose, whole organ diagnosis and follow-up of organs such as the liver, kidneys, pancreas, etc. are enabled by dynamic acquisition modes. The scanner can also acquire multiple images at the same location over time to provide a 4D view to assessing vascular flow to these organs. - Neurology and Musculoskeletal Imaging
Whole brain scans can be performed in a single rotation without moving the table. Iterative MMAR can reduce the beam hardening artifacts at bone/brain interface and posterior fossa region. The Enhanced Boundary algorithm can achieve excellent gray-white matter differentiation. Multi-Material Artifact Reduction (MMAR) technology, Smart MAR and can significantly reduce artifacts from metal objects such as screws and plates. The Revolution CT can acquire high-definition images of the bone with excellent details.
Bone density
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Fractures from osteoporosis is more common than heart attack, stroke and breast cancer combined. Worldwide, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men over age 50 will experience osteoporotic fractures. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans to measure bone mineral density (BMD) have an important role in the evaluation of individuals at risk of osteoporosis, and in helping clinicians advise patients about the appropriate use of antifracture treatment.
Our machine
GE Lunar—Prodigy
- Bone mineral densitometry:
Based on DXA technology, the Lunar bone densitometry product portfolio (Lunar iDXA,Prodigy™,™ and Aria™*) empowers physicians to diagnose osteoporosis and fracture risk. - Body composition:
Understand the potential Cardio-Metabolic health risks to patients; for Weight management; for sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass and strength affects daily living tasks); for Sports medicine and for Enhance overall health. - CoreScan is an application dedicated to quantifying subcutaneous (SAT) and abdominal visceral adipose tissue (VAT) that is important to understand obesity-related comorbidities.
- Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) calculation can serve as a baseline for determining the minimum nutrition needs of a patient.
4D Strain Echocardiography
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Our machine
GE Vivid™ E95 4D Cardiac Ultrasound is a high-end ultrasonic diagnostic instrument with excellent resolution and image quality and supporting real-time "4D dynamic stereoscopic imaging", which can provide an intuitive and comprehensive assessment of cardiac structure and motion function. These include the strain function, which can calculate indicators such as the contraction and deformation of the heart muscle and use AI-assisted measurement technology to help physicians evaluate myocardial function. The 4D strain cardiac ultrasound can detect whether the mother has heart failure caused by pregnancy or whether the heart is affected by cancer chemotherapy, electrotherapy, and angina pectoris. It can assist in early disease tracking and make a treatment judgment for heart disease.
Logiq -S8
Our machine
Ultrasound plays a key role in helping healthcare providers manage a diverse range of patient across all clinical applications.
This multi-purpose system provides superb imaging across a wide range of applications, including abdominal, cardiac, OB/GYN, vascular and musculoskeletal.
The GE Logiq S8 is an ultrasound that supports a variety of applications. Including cardiac, abdominal, obstetrics, gynecology, breast, small parts, urological, musculoskeletal, vascular, pediatric, neonatal, and transcranial. The system offers B-flow imaging, this can show blood flow visualization, where the system displays a grayscale or color images of the blood flow echoes. This system can help diagnose vessel wall irregularities, Carotid Plaque, Thyroid nodule activity, Kidney Perfusion, Vascular disease, and many others.
Ultrasound elastography, also known as Fibroscan is helping for fatty liver screening and staging.